Preview: Oxford University Press, Oxford, Uk, 308 pp; Hardback, ISBN13: 9780199216321, Price: £65.00; Paperback, ISBN13: 9780199216338, £32.50 Dr. Nicole E. Heller, Climate Central, 895 Emerson Ave, Palo Alto Ca 94301, USA. E-mail: Myrmecol. News 13: 56 (online 21 December 2009) Issn 1994-4136 (print), Issn 1997-3500 (online) Received 24 November 2009; accepted 24 November 2009 Managing invasive species is no easy business. If you don't have the fire in your belly, a pot of money, and refined knowledge of your invader and its role in the invaded ecosystem – do not try it at home! Mick Clout and Peter WILLIAMS's edited volume "Invasive species management: a handbook of principles and techniques" makes the sentiment abundantly clear. While the tone of the chapters is encouraging about management options and the case studies offered are mostly successes, the risks and challenges are evident throughout the book. As well they should be. For…