Preview: Keller, L. & Gordon, E. 2006: La vie des fourmis. – Odile Jacob, Paris, 303 pp., 21.90 € Prof. Dr. Alfred Buschinger, Rossbergring 18, D-64354 Reinheim, Germany. E-mail: There are quite a number of books on ants, mostly in English, but a couple also in French language. Each of them has its particular advantages and disadvantages. One of the most recent scientific books on ants is that of Passera & Aron (2005), (cf. review by D. Cherix 2006). "La vie des fourmis" by Keller & Gordon is evidently aimed at a different readership: the interested lay public. Most aspects of ant life are addressed, though not going much into depth. Chapter I out of Viii is dedicated to the ecological success of ants, their omnipresence, the high numbers of individuals, of colonies and species. Other sections in this chapter refer to sizes and colours, the strategies of success,…