Preview: Cherix D., Freitag, A. & Maeder, A. 2006: Fourmis des bois du Parc jurassien vaudois. – Parc jurassien vaudois & Musée de zoologie, Lausanne, 120 pp. Luc Passera, Prof. emeritus, Centre de Recherches sur la Cognition Animale, Université Paul-Sabatier, F- 31062 Toulouse Cedex 9, France. E-mail: From the title, one could well imagine that this book, though small in size and number of pages (120 pages altogether) was essentially intended for the amateur naturalist curious to learn about the life of wood ants of the Swiss Jura. But this underestimates the book, whose content concerns this "amateur public" as well as readers already well informed of the behaviour of ants. A peculiarity of this book is that it is almost completely dedicated to the functioning of a single ant-hill, doubtless unique in the myrmecological literature. It should be mentioned that a single ant-hill is not common in Formica…