Preview: Published by Ajay Narendra and Sunil Kumar M., Bangalore, 193 pp. (US$ 35.-, 20 % student discount; order at Dr. John R. Fellowes, 44 Hampden Road, Kingston KT1 3HG, United Kingdom. E-mail: Myrmecol. News 11: 37-38 (online 3 May 2008) Issn 1994-4136 (print), Issn 1997-3500 (online) Received 19 January 2008; accepted 19 January 2008 If myrmecologists are to convince others that our work is as interesting and useful as we think it is, we have to learn to break out of academic discourse and grab people. On A Trail With Ants colourfully leads the charge in Asia, also treating India's ants in one volume for the first time since Bingham (1903). On A Trail With Ants is more than a regional handbook. The first half introduces various facets of ant biology, the second giving accounts of 50 of the better-known Indian species. India-centred, the first half also…