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Pedersen, J.S.

Year: 2009


Sleigh, C. 2007: Six legs better: a cultural history of myrmecology. - Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, VIII + 302 pp.

Journal: Myrmecological News

Volume: 23

Pages: 236

Type of contribution: Book Review

Supplementary material: No


Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Md, Viii + 302 pp.; Hardback, Isbn 0-8018-8445-4, Price: £36.50 Assoc. Prof. Jes S. Pedersen, Centre for Social Evolution, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Myrmecol. News 12: 236 (online 17 July 2009) Issn 1994-4136 (print), Issn 1997-3500 (online) Received 28 May 2009; accepted 29 May 2009 What do people think of when I mention the following words: cooperation, division of labour, policing, slavery, collective defence, war, nepotism, production, and storage of common goods? Even if I added "queen" to the list most people would think of our own societies, either historical or present day. Of course, readers of the present journal would have anticipated that I in fact had insect societies in mind, but considering the terms one would quickly realise that the vast majority of even the scientific vocabulary for the study of insect societies…

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Publisher: The Austrian Society of Entomofaunistics

ISSN: Print: 1994-4136 - Online: 1997-3500